The Referee Group
Get Paid
*Match Inquiry
*Match Results
New Referee

Site Index


The following customized Site Index represents the site pages that are available to you:

Get Paid:

Information: A collection of Public information associated with SSRA

public Calendar events AND your own Assignments (if any)">Calendar: A block Calendar display merging the public Calendar events AND your own Assignments (if any)


Documents: A collection of files representing Documents of interest

Evaluation: Provide an Evaluation for a specific Referee on a specific Assignment

Locations: The geographic Locations used for scheduled Matches between Teams

Areas: Manage the association of Locations into groupings called Areas

Match Inquiry: Interrogate the SSRA online database for a Match or an Assignment that meets specific criteria

Match Results:


Search: Use Google Search to interrogate about Public page content available at meeting particular keyword criteria

SiteIndex: An outline of the site pages available for use

Logon: Identify yourself to SSRA

Passwords: About logging on and Passwords at SSRA

Register: Signup for participation with SSRA

Reset Password: Initiate a Password reset for your SiteName at SSRA

New Referee: