The Referee Group
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ShortcutFields permits any VisitorVisitor to view certain information (like the page you are currently reading), but will require your SSRA SiteName and Password in order for you to access the Private Areas of the Site. Please read over the following possibilities with regards to your Password and follow the instructions that match your situation:

You know your SiteName and Password
Click to Logon. Enter your SiteName and Password. Click the "Logon" button.
You have previously logged onto the site, but have forgotten your Password
Click to Logon: Reset Password and follow the instructions there
You are not registered as a Referee, Assignor, Coach, or Client
Click to Logon: Register and fill out the applicable form fields. We'll take a look at your Registration information and notify you by return Email when you are activated (patience is a good thing!!!)
You are registered with SSRA, but don't know your SiteName or Password
Send Email to requesting your SiteName and Initial Password (be sure to tell them who YOU are). If you just completed Logon: Register, wait at least 2 normal working days to receive approval. Watch the email address you provided during Registration for notification.

But, without regard for how you finally gain access to our site, please:

Set your Password to a proper value and protect it!

Anyone that figures out your Name and Password combination will be able to logon to the Site as you and the Site will think they are you (that's not so good and it would nice to avoid this by setting your password properly).