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71Expense Request-Reimbursement Form.docxDocuments7/1/2021
72SSRA Districts MapDocuments9/14/2021
28docOutdated - U10 JamboreeLeagues8/30/2008
52pdfWebsite InstructionsDocuments3/21/2015
57Laws of the GameDocuments11/29/2021
74Laws of the Game - Mobile AppDocuments11/28/2021
77pdfSYSA League Rules Full DocumentDocumentsLeagues7/23/2024
78pdfWYS League Rules 2024DocumentsLeagues8/19/2024
79pdfSYSA League Rules TableDocumentsLeagues8/19/2024
80Washington Premier League (WPL) Rules 2024DocumentsLeagues8/19/2024
81RATS General Rules 2024DocumentsLeagues8/19/2024
82RATS 8v8 Rules 2024DocumentsLeagues8/19/2024
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