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Match Results

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We show the following Match Results from completed SSRA Referee Assignments that meet the criteria you have set (as of Tuesday, October 1st, 2024 at 11:30pm PDT). Note that this list IS subject to change as additional Referees file their reports associated with Assignment completion.

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1513949/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU NW B15 Black vs South Whi...1-0
1513229/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU South B14 Blue vs Seattle...1-9
1513769/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU SH B14 Blue vs MIFC B14 x...1-1
1513189/28/2024Seattle UnitedSeattle United B14 Copa A vs...3-4
1513209/28/2024Seattle UnitedSeattle United G14 Tango B v...4-0
1513779/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU NW B14 White vs Valor B14...1-1
1513179/28/2024Seattle UnitedSeattle United B14 Nova D vs...6-0
1513219/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU South B14 White vs IFC B1...1-1
1513799/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU SH G14 Blue vs Southlake ...0-2
1513819/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU NW B13 Blue vs Bainbridge...0-0
1513759/28/2024Seattle UnitedSeattle United B13 Tango B v...0-0
1513749/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU NW B13 Black vs Lake Hill...4-0
1513809/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU NW B13 White vs NWSC Dece...3-2
1513199/28/2024Seattle UnitedSeattle United G13 Tango B v...0-1
1513829/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU SH B13 Blue vs NCS B13 A ...4-2
1513789/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU SH G13 Blue vs FME SC G13...2-1
1513719/28/2024Seattle UnitedSeattle United B12 Copa A vs...2-0
1513049/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU South B12 Blue vs PSA For...1-4
1513729/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU NW B12 Blue vs Rainier So...0-4
1513709/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU SH B12 Blue vs Southlake ...2-0
1513009/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU SH B11 Blue vs HSA Select...0-1
1513379/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU NW B11 Blue vs Tracyton S...2-1
1513169/28/2024Seattle UnitedSU South G11 Blue vs NSC G11...3-0
1513059/28/2024Seattle UnitedSeattle United B10 Copa A vs...0-3
1513699/28/2024Seattle UnitedSeattle United B08 Copa A vs...0-0
1518519/28/2024ShorelakeSL - Raptors vs Bal - Mighty...3-2
1518499/28/2024ShorelakeSL - Electric Cobras vs CH -...8-7
1518509/28/2024ShorelakeSL - King Kongs vs Bal - Fly...5-2
1518689/28/2024ShorelakeSL - Eagles vs WD Night Owls7-1
1518619/28/2024ShorelakeSL - Hurricanes vs Bal - Cas...3-5
1518629/28/2024ShorelakeSL - Rockets vs WD Lightning...2-0
1518109/28/2024ShorelakeSL - Sounders vs CH - Black ...3-6
1510649/28/2024SKYCAlfi vs Crane12-0
1510719/28/2024SKYCWayt vs Woodham6-4
1510729/28/2024SKYCHurst vs Cornish1-13
1510739/28/2024SKYCCroft vs Patchin8-3
1510749/28/2024SKYCRieder (11) vs Team Name 092-12
1510819/28/2024SKYCBall vs Mitts1-4
1510769/28/2024SKYCTeam Name 06 vs Sonon (8)2-2
1510829/28/2024SKYCPeterson vs Karpowicz (12)5-2
1510839/28/2024SKYCGoodwin (10) vs Quesenberry0-11
1510679/28/2024SKYCBell vs Stewart3-8
1510689/28/2024SKYCShifflette vs Boetjer2-3
1510699/28/2024SKYCBumgarner vs Sullivan7-0
1510709/28/2024SKYCRice vs Sullivan5-2
1510879/28/2024SKYCMillette vs Cloyd3-2
1510979/28/2024SKYCPadineant vs Gates0-1
1510989/28/2024SKYCArslain vs Franklin3-0
1510919/28/2024SKYCAsgarian vs Morris3-0
1510929/28/2024SKYCGelotte vs Dikeakos0-9
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