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Please select the SSRA MatchMatch you personally observed during the previous 15 days by setting the appropriate Criteria and clicking "Show". Click on the Match Number in the "Key" column to see the details associated with the Match or you can initiate an Evaluation of an individual Referee directly by clicking on the appropriate Evaluate symbol in the proper row and column intersection.

1497289/21/20249:00 amYouth SelectBU12South Mercer Playfield - WestXL Atletico B13 Acad...evaluateevaluateevaluate
1510299/21/20249:00 amYouth RecBU07Civic Center Playfield 1AWoodham vs Croftevaluate
1510359/21/20249:00 amYouth RecBU07Civic Center Playfield 1BCrane vs Andrewsevaluate
1497569/21/20249:00 amYouth SelectBU11Magnuson Turf 5ECFC M14 White - SS ...evaluate
1497579/21/20249:00 amYouth SelectBU12Magnuson Turf 5ECFC M13 White - CW ...evaluate
1497599/21/20249:00 amYouth SelectBU11Washington ParkECFC M14 Blue - CB v...evaluate
1500969/21/20248:45 amYouth SelectGU11Magnuson Sports Meadow 3: NWSeattle Celtic G14 G...evaluate
1498899/21/20248:30 amYouth RecBU13Twin PondsHW Wild Spiders vs L...evaluateevaluateevaluate
1505939/19/20246:00 pmYouth RecBU11Doug Allen F4H:210171455 BU11 Def...evaluate
1505929/18/20247:00 pmGarfield HSReferee Pursuit: Fit...evaluate
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