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Friday, December 15th, 2023

City Tournament Officials Zoom Recording: Protocols & Procedures Zoom Mtg: CT Officials Protocols Procedures Zoom Friday-12.15 615p

Congratulations on being selected to officiate the City Tournament Finals which is a result of your hard work throughout the fall season and CT preliminary matches! Your hard work and skills have not gone unnoticed!

Championship Saturday is a huge day to the kids, coaches and parents as they officially end their rec season playing in their championship match. There will be tears and joy at the end - hopefully just joy and no tears for you as an official :)

We will be hosting a 20-30 minute zoom mtg tonight at 615p to address City Tournament protocols and procedures and to answer any questions you might have about the event. If you cannot join us we will route the zoom link immediately after the mtg and we ask that you watch it prior to your match on Saturday so you are prepared and not surprised onsite.

If you have a question please reply to this email so we can address it tonight - if you have that question chances are other officials do to so let us know.

We will highlight:
- Referee uniform expectations
- Arriving at least 30 minutes prior to your match kick off - this is a requirement not an option - what needs to be done during that 30 minutes
- Calling simple fouls for the rec level of soccer
- World Cup team walk outWorking as a team and with a mentor: what to expect

Additionally if you would like to review Penalty Kick procedure if tied:
- this link which is a few years old but still has a good overview for you -
- additionally review this link directly from IFAB and the LOTG

Seattle Referee Development Team
- Peter Maunsell
- Duncan Munro
- Larry MetzMore

Time:6:15 pm-7:00 pm