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Wednesday, November 1st, 2023

Wednesday Nov 1 - 630p Introduction to Seattle Referee Community & Next Steps: November 1: 630p New(er) Referees and Parents of Referees

RE: Introduction to Seattle Referee Community & Next Steps

** Wednesday - November 1 - 630p - Zoom (link below)

- Are you a parent of a new(er) teen referee?
- Are you a new(er) referee yourself?
- Have questions about navigating the referee website?
- What is the Apprentice Referee Development Program for new(er) referees?
- Are you wondering how to get more connected within our Seattle Referee Community?
- What are your next steps?

You are invited to join our Wednesday Night Zoom Orientation - 630p Wednesday, November 1 - with our Seattle Referee Leadership Team who are hosting a discussion forum designed to provide you with answers to all your questions as a new member of our Seattle Referee Community.

Use this link or the one found on the referee home page under What's Happening on the top right of the website :)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 852 5767 3822

Hope to see you Wednesday night 630p :)

Seattle New Referee Development Team:
- Peter Maunsell
- Duncan Munro
- David Friend
- Larry MetzMore

Time:6:30 pm-7:30 pm