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Sunday, January 29th, 2023

Sunday Night LIVE: Weekend Review 645p: Sunday Night LIVE: Weekend Review 645p

We designed this forum from your feedback wanting resources for input, tips and discussion. Our leadership team will be hosting weekly providing our Seattle Referee Community a chance to talk through 'stuff' learn about 'stuff' and how to apply the LOTG in various 'stuff'.

- State Cup 'stuff'
- How do I deal with stuff I didn't see? Name calling, fouls, pushing off the ball.
- Question about a foul you called or didn't that everyone was upset about?
- What about offside I couldn't decide what to do?
- How do I move up and get better games?
- Should I have cautioned for this?
- Can I get involved in one of the Referee Development Groups?

These are just a few of the questions our leadership team has received over the pasts couple of weeks. Bring your thoughts, concerns and questions tonight!

We dont have an ending time but it wont be a long meeting - just drop in when you can leave when you need to. I expect most of the time 30-45 minutes sometimes longer or shorter depending on how much talking we do and how many tune in :) Here is the Zoom link -

Time:6:45 pm-7:30 pm