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Sunday, September 8th, 2024

Referee Pursuit: Sunday Night Mentoring Group - 615p Zoom: Sunday Night Mentoring Groups: 615p 3.24 Topic: Pro Clinic Review
The purpose of mentoring is to grow by tapping into the knowledge and experience of someone further along than yourself. It's the best way to accelerate your development as a referee. Mentorship has been the #1 focus for our referee community over the past few years.

We designed this Sunday night mentoring group from your feedback wanting resources for input, tips and discussion. Our leadership team provides our local Referee Community a chance to talk through 'stuff' learn about 'stuff' and how to apply the LOTG in various 'stuff'.

Bring your thoughts, concerns and questions every Sunday night!

We dont have an ending time but it wont be a long discussion - just drop in when you can leave when you need to. We expect most of the time 45 minutes sometimes longer or shorter depending on how much talking we do and how many join us :) Here is the Zoom link with the green arrowMore

Time:6:15 pm-7:15 pm